Wednesday, February 17, 2010

i guess i'm not that hardcore.

So a group of my friends decided to join a soccer league in Morristown. we play Monday nights and so far, it's been a lot of fun. i thought i was going to pass out during our first game - so out of shape. i felt pretty bad about myself until i saw two of my friends gasping for air just as much as i was - and they each run more than 5 miles per morning. it's just hard on everyone, we work muscles we forgot we had, and in the end, i think it's good for all of us.

that being said, we had a 9:30 game this past monday, which just happened to be President's Day. since we all had off of work, we decided to meet up a little early, and go to Raul's Empanadas in Morristown. the thought did cross my mind that this probably wouldn't be a good idea but we still ordered plenty and went back to my friend Chris's apartment to eat.

I would like to call Raul Empanada's a jerk. i know a restaurant cannot technically be a jerk. BUT had you felt like i (and my teammates) felt during our soccer game on monday, you'd understand. without going into too much details or divulging any names - just let it be known that two of my teammates actually did hurl during the game (and rallied for that matter).

Jerk #2 of this post is the man on the other team that made me feel stupid EVERYTIME i went for the ball. this is a co-ed league for FUN. stop being so serious and kicking me in my leg and leaving ugly bruises.

PS - we still beat you so what now?? mwhaha.

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