Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Yogurt is normal.

i love to sleep. because of this, i find myself constantly running late and rushing to get to work each morning. work starts at 9. always has. i really should have it down by now. but each day i convince myself that i can sleep an extra 5.

the other day, i was rushing around, getting ready to leave for work. i do my usual morning routine: shower, hair, makeup, brush teeth, then food. each morning i figure out breakfast, lunch and dinner for the day. this particular day i grabbed a yogurt (breakfast), a can of soup (lunch) and took out a chicken breast to defrost (dinner). by this time I'm running super late so i grab a metal spoon from our utensil drawer and run out the door with my yogurt.

naturally, i run into traffic on route 3. of course. as i'm sitting there listening to my favorite radio show, i get excited as i realize i have a yogurt to devour. i open it up, take a spoonful. as i continue to eat my yogurt, i look to my right and the man (jerk) literally laughs, points and rolls his eyes at me. you'd honestly think i was eating cow brains.

i'm already running late, i don't need to worry about you and what you think about me and my yogurt. jerk.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

PSE&G is a jerk.

my roommate and i are set on an equal payment plan with PSE&G for our gas and electric. every month we pay $172 regardless of our actual usage. in december, our balancing month, we will either owe them or they'll owe us once they review our actual usage vs. what we paid for throughout the year. fine.

so today i open this month's bill. it's the usual $172 so it's all fine. on each bill though, there's a section that shows you what you'd owe (or what they'd owe you) if this were your balancing month. it's usually around $175 or so that we'd owe them. This month it was over $500 more than that so i was confused. I go look at our actual usage for the month. electric is normal but the price for the actual usage of our gas is $719. being the smart, young woman that i am, i went and pulled the bills from the past few months to compare. our actual gas usage for July was $15, August $24 and change. So tell me, how does my actual gas usage go up $695 in one month?????

there's two explanations. 1. we have a gas leak or 2. PSE&G sucks. i'm banking on it being the latter because after sitting on hold with the stupid company for over an hour, the woman finally told me (in her bitchy attitude) to just "wait it out." So now i'm supposed to wait two billing cycles to see "if it evens out" because they "probably read it wrong." uhhh....isn't this your job? you should probably learn how to read it correctly so you don't charge me 30 times what i normally pay, douche.

granted, this doesnt affect septembers bill at all, but it could possible affect our balancing month if they don't stop being stupid. AND i'm not as concerned about the money as i am with our health. God forbid there's a gas leak that's causing this HUGE spike in our bill. if that's the case, i'd prefer not having to wait two billing cycles to "see if it evens out."

why are people so dumb?

"A" is a jerk.

why do personal trainers cost so much?

You know, some gyms even provide trainers for FREE. I mean, their memberships probably cost much more than the $30 per month I pay, but still. I was lucky enough to get a personal trainer package for $249 for 10 sessions. Which, if you know anything about personal training, is an INCREDIBLE deal. So naturally, I was very pleased with this and took him up on it. Now originally, I was training with this one guy, we'll call him J. I went through 3 of my 10 sessions with him before he texted me one night and cancelled for the next morning's session. This happened for 3 mornings in a row, until he finally told me that he had been let go by the gym. Ok, no big deal. Whatever I just kept training on my own even though I still had 7 sessions left. Then one morning while I was working out by myself, a different trainer, we'll call him A, asked me if I was interested in personal training blah blah spiel spiel. I told him how I still had 7 sessions left (probably much to his dismay since I wasn't actually going to be making him any money) and from then on we decided to train together. Fast forward to this past Tuesday morning, which just so happened to be the last of my 10 sessions. Naturally, A tried to convince me to purchase another package. Now, being the normal 23-year-old that I am, I’m not afraid to say that I’m pretty broke. I make good money but I also spend good money. I’m not afraid to buy a new dress, a new book, or a couple (many) beers on the weekends (or during the week for that matter). That being said, I was thinking about possibly spending another $250 on a 10-session package. I told him that I could probably swing $250 for another and then A goes, “oh…uh…that’s only the price for introductory packages. Your new package would cost…” and he holds out his phone, where he had typed the new price (probably because he would have had a HEART ATTACK if he had to actually say this dollar amount). I sit up and check out his phone: $1104!!!!!!!!!!!

…uh, are you kidding???! I obviously went on and told him that I can’t even fathom affording that. A, being the douche bag he is, went on to say “well you don’t have the money but you sure do have the weight to lose (really, you think?). Maybe you should consider getting a second job.”

Ummmm...maybe you should get a second job because hey guess what? I’m not getting a second job to support your life. Also – when exactly would I get a second job? Like I mentioned before, I’m a big fan of fun weekends so I’m obvi not getting rid of that. He suggested a “night job.” I’m still not sure if he was implying I become a prostitute or what, but I told him if I got a “night job” there would be no need for a personal trainer because hey, guess what? I wouldn’t HAVE TIME TO EAT so I’d naturally lose weight from becoming an anorexic.

Thanks jerk.

Welcome to the Jerkstore!

Let me preface this blog by saying that I am well aware of the fact that there are so many wonderful people in this world, and luckily for me, I have been able to meet a countless number of incredible human beings in my 23 years so far. I've often said that I am one of the luckiest people alive and I still think that's true. I have a great life: amazing family, incredible friends, great job. I'm pretty much awesome.

That being said - I am also well aware that this world is full of people who I refer to as jerks. people who are just stupid. they're rude and inconsiderate of others feelings. so while this blog might come off as me just being rude, i figured i might as well share some of the interesting people/jerks i come across in my everyday life, because lets face it, sometimes the only way to deal with such people is to laugh right in their face.

i hope you enjoy!