Thursday, February 18, 2010

You're a little less of a jerk...

Jerk of the day goes to whoever caused the brutal accident on Route 3 in Clifton this morning. I really hope no one was hurt (I don’t want to sound rude) but you really gave me a bad start to the day. I was sitting in traffic for nearly 30 minutes until I finally broke loose onto Route 46.

I made it to work in no time, and as I was walking into the office I received a phone call from my dad that went something like this:

Dad: Hey Princess, how are ya? (yes, I’m 23 and my dad does still call my princess EVERY TIME I talk to him – I love it)
Shana/Princes: I’m okay, just walking into work – how are you?
D: not bad, I just wanted to hear your voice.
S: are you sure? What’s wrong?
D: nothing, I just miss you.
S: seriously – what’s wrong?
D: ok so I was listening to the radio and I heard that there was an accident in Clifton on route 3. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.

AHA! So the truth comes out.

After I hang up with my dad, I sit down at my desk and start my day. About 2 and half minutes later, I get a text from my mom that says:

Mom: Morning! Have a great day!
Shana: you too! Dad just called me too…
M: We love you that’s all
S: haha any certain reason?
M: I heard that there was an accident in Clifton on rt 3 so I called you, maybe dad heard too
S: haha yup that’s exactly why
M: haha yea you should know that you’re loved and that we’re not just freaks too

So that jerk that caused the accident definitely ruined the beginning of my day, but I must say these two little interactions with my parents made you a little less of a jerk. It’s crazy how I can be almost 100 miles away from them but a simple phone call or text can make my day. so thanks for that. =)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

i guess i'm not that hardcore.

So a group of my friends decided to join a soccer league in Morristown. we play Monday nights and so far, it's been a lot of fun. i thought i was going to pass out during our first game - so out of shape. i felt pretty bad about myself until i saw two of my friends gasping for air just as much as i was - and they each run more than 5 miles per morning. it's just hard on everyone, we work muscles we forgot we had, and in the end, i think it's good for all of us.

that being said, we had a 9:30 game this past monday, which just happened to be President's Day. since we all had off of work, we decided to meet up a little early, and go to Raul's Empanadas in Morristown. the thought did cross my mind that this probably wouldn't be a good idea but we still ordered plenty and went back to my friend Chris's apartment to eat.

I would like to call Raul Empanada's a jerk. i know a restaurant cannot technically be a jerk. BUT had you felt like i (and my teammates) felt during our soccer game on monday, you'd understand. without going into too much details or divulging any names - just let it be known that two of my teammates actually did hurl during the game (and rallied for that matter).

Jerk #2 of this post is the man on the other team that made me feel stupid EVERYTIME i went for the ball. this is a co-ed league for FUN. stop being so serious and kicking me in my leg and leaving ugly bruises.

PS - we still beat you so what now?? mwhaha.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

You are not nice.

ok so i admit it - i do not go to the gym as often as i should. i think most people can say that, unfortunately. despite that - i do still have a gym membership. that $31 comes out of my bank account each month and i refuse to cancel my membership even if i only go 5 times a month (lately).

I just recently started going to the gym again - mainly because i just signed up for the Warrior Dash ( on 9/18. It's basically a 5K with obstacles dispersed throughout it. I've done 5K's before but I definitely can't run the whole thing at this point. that being said, I've been making a conscious effort to get to the gym more so i don't see my death on 9/18.

Last week, I head to the gym at 6am. The guy who swipes my card at the front desk makes a comment: "it's been a while, huh?" ok no big deal. i honestly can't get mad because you know what - he's right. so i go into the locker room to put my stuff in a locker. come out, walk past desk guy again and he says: "you better get a good workout in today!" um - yea that's the point. still - he annoyed me but oh well. after my workout, i come down and walk past him again. he was smart and kept his mouth shut. but after i showered and got dressed, i walked past him on my way to my car: "Will i see you tomorrow morning?" I respond: "Yep!" his response: "I'll believe it when i see it."

Excuse you?

no big deal. i proceed to go to work. come home. go to bed. wake up and go to the gym the next morning, just like i promised Mr. Gym Swiper guy. I walk in and they happened to be giving away this face moisturizer for men. He sees me, greets me, and hands me my moisturizer and says: "You can give this to your boyfriend...or i mean, probably your dad?"

Hi, my name's shana and i do not like you.

the end.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

really? you want to be

maybe i'm just becoming a cynical old woman but i've been out of high school for almost 6 years, out of college for almost 2. I'm well set in my ways. i have awesome groups of friends from both high school and college. and hey, believe it or not, i've even made friends after i graduated from both.

for those reasons, i am completely baffled when creepers (and jerks) from high school and/or college facebook me, text me, SPEAK to me at all, and say "hey come to so and so bar, i miss you!"

no, you don't.

how can you possibly miss you if you never even cared enough to speak to me while we were in school? if i made it through four full years without you (and two since graduation) don't you think i'm okay without you? don't you see how stupid you are for saying you miss me??

for the record, this isn't pointed towards any particular individual, i've just noticed this happening far too often and it annoys the hell out of me.

the end.